"In Cultivation--Verity" (review of Amy Glynn's A Modern Herbal)
"A Gift for Adoration" (celebrating the life and words of poet Wil Mills)
"Poems I Might Have Missed" (guest blog at ABOUTAWORD)
"The Twang and Flavor of Speech" (interviewing poet Jeff Daniel Marion)
"The Edges We Share" (Craft Talk for Chattahoochee Review)
Features and Interviews
Conversation with Chera Hammons for Shining Rock Poetry Anthology
Connotation Press: An Online Artifact (interview and 3 poems)
My Name Is Tennessee feature
Poem of the Week feature (10-08-13)
there must be a lot of power in that quiet space... (interview with Joanne Merriam, Upper Rubber Boot Books)
Poet of the Month (November 2000)
Poem of the Week (8-10-07)
"Light-Stunned: An Evening with the Poetry of Jeff Hardin" (Covenant College reading)
Tennessee Literary Project Feature
Poet Jeff Hardin to Visit Hillsdale College
Reviews of my books:
"Small and Immense" (review of Small Revolution and No Other Kind of World)
"A Humble Mysticism" (review of Notes for a Praise Book)
"Listening, Not Always for a Human Voice" (review of Fall Sanctuary)
Review of Fall Sanctuary (Alabama Writers' Forum)
"Deep Calm" (review of Deep in the Shallows)
"In Cultivation--Verity" (review of Amy Glynn's A Modern Herbal)
"A Gift for Adoration" (celebrating the life and words of poet Wil Mills)
"Poems I Might Have Missed" (guest blog at ABOUTAWORD)
"The Twang and Flavor of Speech" (interviewing poet Jeff Daniel Marion)
"The Edges We Share" (Craft Talk for Chattahoochee Review)
Features and Interviews
Conversation with Chera Hammons for Shining Rock Poetry Anthology
Connotation Press: An Online Artifact (interview and 3 poems)
My Name Is Tennessee feature
Poem of the Week feature (10-08-13)
there must be a lot of power in that quiet space... (interview with Joanne Merriam, Upper Rubber Boot Books)
Poet of the Month (November 2000)
Poem of the Week (8-10-07)
"Light-Stunned: An Evening with the Poetry of Jeff Hardin" (Covenant College reading)
Tennessee Literary Project Feature
Poet Jeff Hardin to Visit Hillsdale College
Reviews of my books:
"Small and Immense" (review of Small Revolution and No Other Kind of World)
"A Humble Mysticism" (review of Notes for a Praise Book)
"Listening, Not Always for a Human Voice" (review of Fall Sanctuary)
Review of Fall Sanctuary (Alabama Writers' Forum)
"Deep Calm" (review of Deep in the Shallows)